Patients Name(required) Sex Male Female Home Phone Cell Phone Work Phone May we call you at home? Yes No May we call you at work? Yes No May we leave a message? Yes No Email(required) Address City State Zip Code Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) Social Security Number Drivers License Number Occupation Employer Employers Address Primary Care Physician Primary Care Physician Phone Preferred Pharmacy Preferred Pharmacy Phone Emergency Notification Name Relationship Address City State Zip Code Emergency Phone Spouse Information Name Social Security Number Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) Employer (Company, City) Spouse Phone Insurance Information Primary Plan Address City State Zip Code ID Number Group Name Group Number Co Pay Amount Effective Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Secondary Plan Address City State Zip Code ID Number Group Name Group Number Co Pay Amount Effective Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Guarantor/Insurance Policy Holder Name Address City State Zip Code Employer Name Employer Address City State Zip Code Relationship to patient General Payment in full is due at time of visit. We will be happy to file your insurance for reimbursement, if we are participating with the plan. It is your responsibility to be aware of coverage limits on your insurance plan. If you have any questions regarding your insurance coverage of payment, you must contact the insurance company directly. AUTHORIZATION FOR TREATMENT: I consent to examination, treatment, and any procedures including emergency treatment deemed necessary and ordered by our physicians and I am personally responsible for any charges. AUTHORIZATION FOR INSURANCE: I authorize release of any information concerning myself or my child to my insurance company regarding treatment for services covered by my insurance plan. AUTHORIZATION TO CONTACT ME: I hereby acknowledge that Amarillo Urgent Care may contact me, either by phone, email, or mail to provide a reminder of an appointment, gather demographic or insurance information, or to inform me of services or events offered at the facility. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF PRIVACY NOTICE: I hereby acknowledge that Amarillo Urgent Care has provided me a copy of their Privacy Notice. I understand that I am legally responsible for payment of all bills for care given by Amarillo Urgent Care to myself or any of my dependents, regardless of insurance reimbursement. Patient or Responsible Party signature Signature Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Send Δ